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So How Can I Help You?

Here are some of the tools that I bring to you, wherever you are.

All Things SEM

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model is filled with resources that shift and mold themselves to who you are - as a teacher/facilitator, administrator, parent - and of course - the center of it all, the student.

Meeting the needs of students in the classroom as human beings.

Students as people: differentiating for students allows them to be the owners of their own learning. This transformational understanding creates a shift in all things for each and every child; there is nothing that can equal this opportunity. When it arrives the student sees self, and others and ownership of learning begins.

Parents and Community

There is always room for growth. That growth continues way past the classroom door. The child, as the center brings the joy of learning and discover back to the home, and to the center of the family. The community and the family participate in the journey and the uplifting of each child, and this begins the reciprocity of joy, engagement, and belief that each of us has something to share that is worthy of sharing, knowing and building.

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